Tuesday, January 8, 2013

It is man's foremost duty to awaken the understanding of the inner Self and to know his own real inner greatness.  Once he knows his true worth, he can know the worth of others.

          --Swami Muktananda

Friday, January 4, 2013

True happiness, we are told, consists in getting out of one's self, but the point is not only to get out--we must stay out; and to stay out one must have some absorbing errand.

          --William James

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

From the great doctor Gordon Livingston, M.D.

Pithy thought for the New Year.

"To the degree that one's choices become constrained by the need to avoid anxiety, one's life shrinks."

Dr. Livingston's other writings include the books Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart (which I plan to re-read in January) and And Never Stop Dancing:  Thirty More True Things You Need to Know Now.  Visit his website at www.gordonlivingston.com